Transcending all differences
Meditation is a universal act that everyone in this world can do. All can practise it regardless of nationality, religion, or ethnicity. All one needs is a human body.
Fundamental Information :- Peace Revolution Program for Youth
Fundamental Information of Peace Revolution Program for Youth. It is the interesting questions about meditation. Meditation lovers don't miss them!!
'I spent 12 years in a cave'
Ministry of Culture aims to teach Thai youths about 5 precepts via the short film
Ministry of Culture aims to teach Thai youths about 5 precepts via the short film.
My co-worker refuse with the reason that religions teach people to be contented and equable, and that doesn’t go well with the business life. How do I solve this misunderstanding?
When I ask my business associates to come to temples, they always refuse with the reason that religions teach people to be contented and equable, and that doesn’t go well with the business life. Would you please give us explanation in order to solve this misunderstanding?
Thailand donates Golden Buddha Statue
A Different Point of Views
My oldest sister follows a different creed called “Sanya”. The members of this creed chant something different from Buddhist morning and evening chanting. They light candle when they start chanting, and put the candle off when they finish a sentence of a chant. They repeat the same routine until they finish chanting.
Change the World in Bangladesh
After Dhammakaya Temple had offered 250 Buddha statues to the temples in Bangladesh, Dhammakaya temple cooperated with many Bangladesh organization to arrange the 1st World-PEC contest in Bangladesh and it was successful. Yes! It is the first step of the real world peace.
The ceremony of offering rice and dried food to monks in Takbai district, Narathiwat province